Sunday, October 8, 2006

CEC: Managing Systems at Grid Scale (Our Presentations)

Shawn Ferry (ME) and Brian Smith

In general our  attendance was a little bit lower than I had
been hoping for. I think we got in the neighborhood of 80 total...I
think I should be able to find out exactly somewhere.

Both instances went fairly well we had the required Managed Operations
content. In the future we need to go straight to an elevator pitch and
be done with it. I watched as people got bored hearing about how
managed operations does things. Certainly they were interested in the
more technical details CTA, encrypted transport and such. Unfortunately
in our general Managed Operations presentation the less technically
interesting details are more prevalent and this is a geek

Both presentations had a few Managed Operations staff in attendance for
solidarity. As well as a couple of new Managed Operations staff from

The first presentation had a slight timing problem, the 15 min max
planned managed operations specific content ran about 30min, in the end
I got
my content in with about a minute to spare and Brian got the last bits
in about 5 after the scheduled end.  

The second presentation went more to plan. I was able to go into
more depth on the technical aspects of the monitoring. For those who
attended the presentation. We send an alert.

The only real failure for the whole thing was the attempt for a demo in
the extra 5min before the scheduled end of the second presentation
during the question and answer period. I had maintained what looked
like good network connectivity until I tried to use it, at which point
it all went pear
and I lost network access again.

In brief we covered monitoring methodology:

We have a top down and bottom up approach.

Top Down(A Holistic View):

We start measuring from a user experience, can you reach the web site.

Then a complex web site walking script/library(That I
wrote) performs a:

  • login

  • job submission

  • waits for completion

  • downloads and analyzes the results

  • deletes the job

  • logs out

At various points in the process if we don't get specific results
(Welcome to the Grid,Job X submitted, Job X Successful, Logout
or the process is taking too long we send an alert.

Really in the Middle Here(Business Process Monitoring):

The from a Managed Operations Point of view what we want to know is
what went wrong.

A user can get an login failure for a number of reasons:

  • External authentication service could not be functional(Sun
    Grid does not maintain direct authentication data, you must have a
    sunsolve/mysun/ account...Go  href="">Federated Identity
    ( href="">Silly
    Flash IDM) , see also: href="" rel="co-worker">Sara
    Gates Sun's VP IDM)

  • Your name may have been found on the href="">Denied
    Restricted Persons List

  • You may have moved to Brazil (This is a presentation In
    joke, I was hoping for some Brazilians to jump up and down and cheer)
    or really you are coming from outside the US.

A job can fail for a number of reasons:

  • Malformed Job

  • Portal Submission Failure

  • Grid Engine Failure

Some of these things we can see cause from the middle and some we need
a lower level view.

Bottom Up (A small sampling, we monitor a very wide range):

  • System level KPIs(Memory, CPU)

  • processes (sge_qmaster,sge_execd)

  • services(SMF)

  • logfiles(errors, failures)

  • disk utilization

  • network devices (firewalls, switches, routers)


  • If the qmaster is not running the job will never actually
    get scheduled.

  • If there are no execds running (slots available) the job
    will never get executed(or really scheduled because the qmaster won't
    schedule it unless it should be able to run.

  • If queues are in an Error state they cannot run jobs.

  • If the file system is full it is impossible for a job to
    write it's output

Presentation Things I learned:

  • People want to know why they can't use the grid from
    outside the US and
    don't quite understand how it is that Sun can have a gird and Sun
    employees can't play with it.

    • We knew this was an issue, we could have just addressed
      it straight from the slides

  • Few Sun employees (who attended our presentation have ever
    used the
    SunGrid, of course I know that a good number of Sun Employees have used
    the Grid it would seem that we just didn't get a lot of them.

    • A demo would have been well received, but if we were
      working with a demo we could have talked for hours

  • I still need to remember to breathe fully. I find that I
    will talk but
    forget to inhale full breaths if I am not paying attention.

    • I just need to pay attention to my breathing. A pause to
      take a breath is ok...also it lets people absorb your output

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