Thursday, October 26, 2006
What I want in a new phone
That and enough battery power to be online all day.
Also a threaded mail reader
Possibly a web browser that will not actively connect to the network when it is not downloading.
While it is not generally recommended to distract yourself on calls, I don't always follow that advice.
I must say, being able to read my mail and see messages as they come in Is quite useful.
Particularly when people are telling you that they just sent mail that explains everything.
That is afterall the ONLY thing I would be doing.
Not reading blogs or anything like that. No Sir!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Dried and fresh squid...
prior to that steamed buns (pork)
prior to that the Washington Capitals lost to the Tampabay Lightning 6 to 3
I was feeling adventureous.
Fortunately the squid was good...although I am not sure how I was supposed to eat the big one with chop sticks.
Especially as it was hard to sever the tentacles with only my teeth.

Happy 1st Anniversary
~7 years since the start of the relationship. I would do it all again.
I love you C-, eventhough you will think I am a dork for posting this on a blog (I know that is at least part of why you love me)
Thursday, October 19, 2006
My Blogging Methods/Tools
- Think, hey I should blog about this
- Create a post in an editor
- Nvu
- ecto (although I have line break issues that I can't seem to workout)
- vi
- Re-read it to make sure I don't sound like a raving lunatic (unless that is the goal)
- Spell check (Firefox 2.0RC3 inline spell check is my favorite new capability)
- Publish Post
- u*blog for treo
- works reasonably well
- no HTML, I copy <br/> and paste it as needed to achieve readable flow
- Found a problem with
- It appears to have issues with nested lists
- unless you change back to numbers before you outdent
- works reasonably well, has issues with time offset
- writes fairly clean HTML, but posts it without line breaks
- messing around with entry from multiple locations may break update(re-publish) capability
- subsequent updates cause the offset problem again
- ecto
- great publishing and management tool
- has problems with time offset (or hard to determine setting that works correctly)
- Not so hot on getting output to look as expected
- Losing line breaks unexpectedly
- RTF convert linebreaks does not appear to work as expected
- (roller)
- Not fond of any of the built in editors
- New inline editor is coming, (I followed a link and looked at it, not bad, but now can't find the link)
- Time on post always as expected :)
- With Firefox 2.0RC3 inline spellcheck fixes one of my biggest gripes
- Read post online to try and make sure I didn't miss anything stupid
- Update numerous times to bother people using RSS readers which show updates
- Wonder if anyone cares
- Manically bounce on the CMD-R to see if my page hit counter is increasing
- Check Google Analytics Frequently (even though updates are only once a day)
- Occasionally wonder how time of posting affects readership
- Do you get more readers if you post right about break, lunch, after dinner time?
- If you do time your posts does it help more with readers of the b.s.c homepage?
- Do RSS readers increase your page views?
- Should this post be held until morning so as not to be buried?
- Maybe posted now and forward dated
- Running out of things to put in the list
- Wonder how many people have read this far and think you are crazy
New Posting/Composing Method?
Paul posted not too long ago about publishing to from
I am giving it a shot, I have been using ecto for posting and I like it a lot.
However I am less pleased with it's HTML editing, or RTF to HTML as rendered by default
on b.s.c.
So at the moment I am editing HTML in Nvu, which is working well, however I am trying for HTML editing to see how I like it instead.
Nvu does a great job at HTML editing, but it is more feature rich that I feel that I need
in general for blog posts. I also find that I am online the majority of the time while I am
composing blog entries.
Again it seems that almost everything goes back to the current capacity of my laptop, but
if I can do most(all) of this in a browser interface that I don't hate, why not.
Now to see how timing is working, Paul commented that there were issues with time offsets.
I am having similar problems using Ecto, I thought I had it mostly worked out but instead
every post I publish is way off in time. At some point I will revisit that, but for now I am
logging in and modifying the time for every post.
Well, here goes.
well, the post was 6 hours in the future
Now to see if I can publish an update, of if this will go in as a separate post.
Edit 2: Good news and bad news
Good News: "re-publish" acts as an update, not a new post
Bad News: It resets the publish time to now+6 hours
(now to publish again and manually edit the time (again))
It works AND the HTML is not an ugly mess
If it comes down to it I can copy and paste HTML as I was before
I may continue to use to write entries, particularly since etco fetches them after they are posted.
Edit 3: Lame
One thing I just noticed is that the posted HTML (as opposed to the editor displayed HTML)
is posted as all one line. It doesn't hurt the rendering at all, but does make it significantly
harder to read the raw HTML once it is posted.
Ecto downloads the HTML in the same fashion (no linebreaks) which indicates to me that it is
not a local ( editor) rendering problem.
Also, I can't figure out how to apply tags from inside the editor,
only from the list of documents (and I am not sure how it will work in any case).
Broke something, I can't publish updates anymore, the url specific
to this entry no longer appears to be valid (some edit on one side or the other has
probably caused it to change) (now updating from ecto)
Edit 'The Last':
The problem that I have with ecto and line breaks persists, the valid looking HTML
is stripping the line breaks. Trying to publish RTF both with local 'convert line breaks' enabled
and disabled results in a nice solid block of text. Back to Taking well formatted HTML
(from Nvu or and pasting into ecto. Yet another thing to spend time on later
to try and figure out.
Strangely each update I sent with ecto bumped the publish time forward by one hour,
not sure what that is about either.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Blackbox, a couple of pictures and random thoughts
Although the power bill, even at the reduced consumption from T2000s would be a bit much for my home power budget.
So really, if anyone would like to send me a T2000 and some storage, maybe a 5320 and an x4200
Members of the Grid Engineering Team have been working on this project for a while.
Internally we have had a couple of discussions about how to work Managed Operations into the deployment automatically (everything comes with services now). So what I want now is to get my hands on one operationally.
So the following picture I am posting, not because it was the most technically interesting one that I saw
there were plenty of other technically interesting photos, I liked the lines and the partial reflection of the photographer.
This picture I am posting because...well, seriously. It seems to me that we may be pushing this example just a little.
So can someone tell me who will be hooking up the water?
Here because I figure people might want to see an actual Blackbox
Monday, October 16, 2006
Radio tags spark privacy worries
My concern here is really not so much large scale surveillance, although to some extent I worry about it. My true concern is from the identity/privacy standpoint, and the possibilty of remote undetected reading of the data on the tag.
Posts of note, who in general have expressed thoughts I agree with/find interesting/thought provoking:
DEFCON RFID World record attempt... (69 feet)
BBC NEWS | Technology | Radio tags spark privacy worries
Friday, October 13, 2006
Random Bits, calls, SL, comics
Came into the office to start updating my little laptop to snv_50 (from 18).
Spent a lot of time talking to people about work but not getting any noticeable work done.
Now off to meet my family for my mother's birthday.
One of those busy all day, not even sure why types.
Playing in SL last night while doing things about the house. I am trying to build
a jukebox. I have some basic structure and next will be sound before much more
effort in terms of appearence.
xkcd has entertaining comics, and T-shirts. xkcd - Turn Back - By Randall Munroe
For example this, available on a T-shirt, which I own.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Apple study says large monitors improve productivity
A really good KVM that could switch between them selectively or both at once would be grand as well. A bluetooth capable KVM would also be cool. But I guess it is possible that you could achieve that effect with a dongle.
Macworld UK - Apple study says large monitors improve productivity:
Air passengers 'could be tagged'
an airport with RFID chips appeals to me at all. (Or really that the idea of tagging everyone with RFID chips anywhere appeals to me)
He said: "The basic idea is that airports could be fitted with a network of combined panoramic cameras and RFID (radio frequency ID) tag readers, which would monitor the movements of people around the various terminal buildings."
A noted issue that has to be addressed is "ensuring the tags cannot be switched between passengers or removed without notification",
we may have the answer to that problem already in hand. Someone should purchase stock in ear piercing parlors.

Age and Source Verification
Necessary For Public Safety, Consumer Confidence
The future of the security is headed toward
global identification and source verification of origin of all types of
Personnel and usage of electronic identification systems to help with
disease tracking and to improve public safety. Our rfid ear tags are
International Standards Organization(ISO) compliant and we offer Full
Duplex(FDX) and Half Duplex(HDX) transponders as well as high
temperature RFID tags. The Company is in the process of becoming an
authorized tag reseller to help
surveillance organizations integrate
electronic identification with the National Security Identification
System and Management System. The NSIS will oversee the implementation
of a National EID system for many types of animals including Personnel,
beef and dairy cattle, swine, sheep, goats, elk, alpacas and llamas.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Air passengers 'could be tagged'
Electronically tagging passengers at airports could help the fight against terrorism, scientists have said. Has no connection to the parody content of this page and does not endorse it in any way.
However if you have need of livestock tagging equipment and such I am sure they would be glad to help you
New Secure Communications over Fiber? Probably not for FTTH
I took a quick look through the document, and I am sure I missed most of it, but off hand I don't see how you get past any network device or repeater (assuming that the repeater is not repeating noise).
A method for secure communications over a public fiber-optical network
We develop a spread-spectrum based approach to secure communications over existing fiber-optical networks. Secure transmission for a dedicated user is achieved by overlaying a covert channel onto a host channel in the existing active fiber link. The covert channel is optically encoded and temporally spread, and has average power below the noise floor in the fiber, making it hidden for a direct detection thus allowing for cryptographic and steganographic security capabilities. The presence for the host channel in the network provides an ad hoc security expansion and increases the difficulty for an eavesdropper to intercept and decode the secure signal.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Sun SecondLife Press Conference...A Disappointing Experience
When I got there I couldn't get into the Sun Pavilion. I was told when I tried to get in directly that the space was invalid.
Stacia and Doug tried to invite(teleport me in), but they got parcel is full messages.
When they finally could invite me I got the following error.

On the plus side, I guess this means it was popular enough to fill up quickly.
I did get told to shove off by a female avatar in mime wearing a shirt but no pants.
(although I am guessing that it was really all rendering problems not really someone in mime, that and the use of words)
So the message is mixed, for Stacia, it worked and was cool, she could hear the conference and I think see the video.
Doug was unable to hear the streaming audio and when directed to the instructions board he was unable to get it to resolve.
(Some items in SL are out of focus, I would guess to save bandwidth, when you look at them the come into focus)
It seems to me that we may need a teleport area for business purposes. After I teleported in, I was standing around for about two minutes with only a shirt on. No hair, no pants. While the thought of virtual streaking the conference amuses me I think it might not be the best idea.
Now while we are waiting for people to join, as opposed to getting on a con call, we need to wait for a couple of minutes after they are in to have pants on before they can come in.
I wonder if you can code objects to reject avatars not in pants (assuming that pants are the generic name for lower body clothing)
Note the mocking...that there in the center, that is where you want to be.
See that tiny little arrow, you are way over there.

Monday, October 9, 2006
Sun Provides Universal Access to Safari Books Online
I have used and been happy with the Safari Books before...unfortunately I find myself slightly disapointed by the following
Not that it didn't resolve itself in a moment (presumably after the file was copied into place) but the use of windows in the backend.
Shame on you Safari Books Online, of couse if I worked for Microsoft I would probably be happy.
Maybe we are working out a trade, we get access to your books and we will help you move to our wonderful Solaris operating system.
In any case, Sun Managed Operations would be happy to help you implement the migration AND monitor the entire infrastructure BOTH running on windows and running on Solaris.
Go and Register Yourself for access: Sunlibrary
I must say, that was one of the easiest self provisioning processes I have experienced in a very long time.
CEC: In Review
Next Year:
- href="">Kyocera
KR1 - It seems that the state of high density WiFi may be
slightly less than carrier grade, at least for temporary third party
installations - The good camera
- Not that the Cannon Point and Shoot is bad, just that I
found myself wanting the more easily adjustable manual settings of the
D1x - The Managed Operations CEC blog/multi media Tiger Team
(MOCECBMMTT? OK I made that up)
- It was interesting, and hey I apparently won $200 for the
useful sms messages. I have yet to be contacted about my prize, maybe I
should check my VM. - Other winners were for such things as the most
entertaining SMS - Large (Ultra 20 and 24" monitors) prizes for best blog
and such - Not that I am bitter but I would rather have the Ultra
20 than the $200 - Much bemoaned by me, connectivity was a major issue
- Although apparently it might have been problems with my
almost as much as anything else, at least when the people sitting next
to me were able to get access while I was not. - Someone suggested brining the backend out to the front.
- I think that would have been great, as Dan
indicated...this is a technical conference after all - We should expose the technical aspects
- LISA (USENIX) like content tracks
- Refereed papers: A collection of 3 or so papers in a
similar vein for an hour each - Longer Presentation Slots (3 hours or so)
- WIPs: Short topics presentation overviews, here is what
we are doing - More accessable BOFs
- Tables at lunch was a good idea
- real BOF session availability would have been appreciated
- Too busy trying to get food and eat too really spend time
finding all the groups - Possibly longer, too much interesting information for the
available time - Maybe it is just me, I would have attended maybe 75% of
the presentations given time - A better scheduler
- 355 possible sessions (including duplicates)
- Presented in a list (depending on search criteria)
- Pick by topic/presentation (Content Catalog) would have
been more useful - Then given the list of desired presentations work on
resolving conflicting selections - Allow alternate selections to be maintained, I didn't
attend all of the presentations I selected - A capability to display only otherwise un-selected
presentations for open time slots would also have been very useful - A better view into content
- This would prefereably be the content catalog mentioned
above - I ignored presentations because I didn't know what they
were really about - It turns out that I would have liked to attend more and
might have attended differently given better information - Although see above: not enough time...
CEC Posts in Review:
links to categories and such or individual bloggers/entries...too much
work so instead
We have an internal survey on this year's CEC, I should go do that. If
there is one thing I am generally not lacking, it is opinions.
CEC: In Review
Next Year:
- Kyocera KR1
- It seems that the state of high density WiFi may be slightly less than carrier grade, at least for temporary third party installations
- The good camera
- Not that the Cannon Point and Shoot is bad, just that I found myself wanting the more easily adjustable manual settings of the D1x
- The Managed Operations CEC blog/multi media Tiger Team (MOCECBMMTT? OK I made that up)
- It was interesting, and hey I apparently won $200 for the most useful sms messages. I have yet to be contacted about my prize, maybe I should check my VM.
- Other winners were for such things as the most entertaining SMS
- Large (Ultra 20 and 24" monitors) prizes for best blog and such
- Not that I am bitter but I would rather have the Ultra 20 than the $200
- Much bemoaned by me, connectivity was a major issue
- Although apparently it might have been problems with my laptop almost as much as anything else, at least when the people sitting next to me were able to get access while I was not.
- Someone suggested brining the backend out to the front.
- I think that would have been great, as Dan indicated...this is a technical conference after all
- We should expose the technical aspects
- LISA (USENIX) like content tracks
- Refereed papers: A collection of 3 or so papers in a similar vein for an hour each
- Longer Presentation Slots (3 hours or so)
- WIPs: Short topics presentation overviews, here is what we are doing
- More accessable BOFs
- Tables at lunch was a good idea
- real BOF session availability would have been appreciated
- Too busy trying to get food and eat too really spend time finding all the groups
- Possibly longer, too much interesting information for the available time
- Maybe it is just me, I would have attended maybe 75% of the presentations given time
- A better scheduler
- 355 possible sessions (including duplicates)
- Presented in a list (depending on search criteria)
- Pick by topic/presentation (Content Catalog) would have been more useful
- Then given the list of desired presentations work on resolving conflicting selections
- Allow alternate selections to be maintained, I didn't attend all of the presentations I selected
- A capability to display only otherwise un-selected presentations for open time slots would also have been very useful
- A better view into content
- This would prefereably be the content catalog mentioned above
- I ignored presentations because I didn't know what they were really about
- It turns out that I would have liked to attend more and might have attended differently given better information
- Although see above: not enough time...
CEC Posts in Review:
Technorati: cec2006
We have an internal survey on this year's CEC, I should go do that. If there is one thing I am generally not lacking, it is opinions.
Sunday, October 8, 2006
CEC: Managing Systems at Grid Scale (Our Presentations)
In general our attendance was a little bit lower than I had
been hoping for. I think we got in the neighborhood of 80 total...I
think I should be able to find out exactly somewhere.
Both instances went fairly well we had the required Managed Operations
content. In the future we need to go straight to an elevator pitch and
be done with it. I watched as people got bored hearing about how
managed operations does things. Certainly they were interested in the
more technical details CTA, encrypted transport and such. Unfortunately
in our general Managed Operations presentation the less technically
interesting details are more prevalent and this is a geek
Both presentations had a few Managed Operations staff in attendance for
solidarity. As well as a couple of new Managed Operations staff from
The first presentation had a slight timing problem, the 15 min max
planned managed operations specific content ran about 30min, in the end
I got
my content in with about a minute to spare and Brian got the last bits
in about 5 after the scheduled end.
The second presentation went more to plan. I was able to go into
more depth on the technical aspects of the monitoring. For those who
attended the presentation. We send an alert.
The only real failure for the whole thing was the attempt for a demo in
the extra 5min before the scheduled end of the second presentation
during the question and answer period. I had maintained what looked
like good network connectivity until I tried to use it, at which point
it all went pear
shaped and I lost network access again.
In brief we covered monitoring methodology:
We have a top down and bottom up approach.
Top Down(A Holistic View):
We start measuring from a user experience, can you reach the web site.
Then a complex web site walking script/library(That I
wrote) performs a:
- login
- job submission
- waits for completion
- downloads and analyzes the results
- deletes the job
- logs out
At various points in the process if we don't get specific results
(Welcome to the Grid,Job X submitted, Job X Successful, Logout
or the process is taking too long we send an alert.
Really in the Middle Here(Business Process Monitoring):
The from a Managed Operations Point of view what we want to know is
what went wrong.
A user can get an login failure for a number of reasons:
- External authentication service could not be functional(Sun
Grid does not maintain direct authentication data, you must have a
sunsolve/mysun/ account...Go href="">Federated Identity
( href="">Silly
Flash IDM) , see also: href="" rel="co-worker">Sara
Gates Sun's VP IDM) - Your name may have been found on the href="">Denied
Restricted Persons List - You may have moved to Brazil (This is a presentation In
joke, I was hoping for some Brazilians to jump up and down and cheer)
or really you are coming from outside the US.
A job can fail for a number of reasons:
- Malformed Job
- Portal Submission Failure
- Grid Engine Failure
Some of these things we can see cause from the middle and some we need
a lower level view.
Bottom Up (A small sampling, we monitor a very wide range):
- System level KPIs(Memory, CPU)
- processes (sge_qmaster,sge_execd)
- services(SMF)
- logfiles(errors, failures)
- disk utilization
- network devices (firewalls, switches, routers)
- If the qmaster is not running the job will never actually
get scheduled. - If there are no execds running (slots available) the job
will never get executed(or really scheduled because the qmaster won't
schedule it unless it should be able to run. - If queues are in an Error state they cannot run jobs.
- If the file system is full it is impossible for a job to
write it's output
Presentation Things I learned:
- People want to know why they can't use the grid from
outside the US and
don't quite understand how it is that Sun can have a gird and Sun
employees can't play with it. - We knew this was an issue, we could have just addressed
it straight from the slides - Few Sun employees (who attended our presentation have ever
used the
SunGrid, of course I know that a good number of Sun Employees have used
the Grid it would seem that we just didn't get a lot of them. - A demo would have been well received, but if we were
working with a demo we could have talked for hours - I still need to remember to breathe fully. I find that I
will talk but
forget to inhale full breaths if I am not paying attention. - I just need to pay attention to my breathing. A pause to
take a breath is ok...also it lets people absorb your output
Real learning in a virtual world
an article discussing virtual classrooms in SecondLife.
60 schools and universities have set up shop
inside Second Life - most in the past year. They join a population that
includes real-world business people, politicians, entertainers, and
more than 800,000 other "residents" of the virtual world.
It is an interesting idea, and I am wondering if I am seeing all of
these uses for SecondLife because I have been looking at/thinking about
the Sun Press Conference or if there has suddenly been an explosion of
articles and posts about SecondLife.
learning in a virtual world |
For the past two years, I had been taking classes to complete my a
Bachelors of Science in Information Technology. I have finished all of
my upper division classes but have about a traditional semester worth
of lower division classes that I never completed the first time through
in traditional schooling.
At the moment I am not taking any classes and the dividing point
between the attendance and not was the continuing classes being located
at a different campus, that and the cost at href="">UOP was
significantly higher than say NOVA,
Classes started at 6 and ran until 10, that wasn't a problem.
The problem was the href=",+Ashburn,+VA+20147&daddr=11710+Plaza+America+Dr,+Reston+va&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1">commute,
the campus at Plaza America (Reston, near Oracle), was a 30-60 minute
drive. The href=",+Ashburn,+VA+20147&daddr=9667+Lee+Hwy,+Fairfax,+VA+22031+%28Inova+Fair+Oaks+Hospital:+Thrift+Shop%29+%4038.864221,-77.278170&ie=UTF8&sll=38.983975,-77.42262&sspn=0.487838,1.251068&z=11&om=1">commute
from the office to the Gallows Rd campus (495 and 50 near Fairfax
Hospital) is probably a 90 to 120 minute drive (This is all
in traffic to get there the return commute is probably 20-30 and 45-50
minutes). It goes almost without saying that the NVCC href=",+Sterling,+VA+20164+%28Northern+Virginia+Community+College:+Information+for+Loudoun+Campus%29+%4039.014590,-77.371315&saddr=20098+Ashbrook+Pl,+Ashburn,+VA+20147&f=li&hl=en&dq=nvcc&cid=39085828,-77478526,17427075337703451187&ie=UTF8&z=13&om=1">commute
is better, either to the Loudoun campus or to Reston (nearly identical
to my previous UOP commute).
Having said all of that it would have been interesting to see if a
virtual learning solution based on SecondLife or a similar venue would
have been useful. The commute is certainly shorter, but I have to
wonder if the level of attention that would have been focused on the
learning would have been the same given that it would be easier for
coworkers and such to interrupt by casually walking into the room.
It seems that only time will tell, but a good first taste of an
organized information centric event will be on href="">Tuesday
at the Sun SecondLife Press Conference.
Now I should go and sign up for classes as the next round starts on Oct
18. Should I be ashamed that I am looking at on the ground classes
working for a technical company?
SecondLife, Web2.0 and Collaboration
up.Specifically the benefit of getting a fair amount of the href="">Sun
Managed Operations team back together in a team building type
(Bar) environment.
From there discussion of virtual communication and similar topics was
broached. We talked about using AIM,
MUD/ href="">MUSH/ href="">MOO and a
couple of related tangents. We then talked about using href="">SecondLife as the
location for collaboration after Jonathan mentioned using it for a
press conference.
The first thing I thought about in this discussion was using a MUSH at (now defunct) for communication, and some play. I
remember reading href=""
target="_blank">'Collaborative Networked Communication' by
Rémy Evard ( href="">Original
ASCII although I must admit that I had to search for it and I
thought it was written be someone else).
The paper gives example usages which I will not repeat here, however
the thought was that having effectively a room in which to talk could
be beneficial in our current environment. Many managed
operations employees are flex or are not in the main office in
Ashburn. A couple of times people have attempted to establish
standing AIM chat groups/rooms and IRC channels. None of them has
garnered even small scale adoption.
So the end result here, is that I have created a SecondLife account and
we will try playing around with SecondLife. The next steps to bring
back some of the old theurgy magic would be to create a some objects a
spleen (so you can vent it), some skinheads ( href="">to
take bowling), a happy fun ball (to taunt), a tonka truck (to
beep the horn and run into people's ankles) and I may be crossing
servers a game of connect four.
I just don't know that I need the avatar based communication model.
Location/Room/Channel based communication to allow for better
focus and separation of relevant content makes sense to me, it is just
the rest that I don't think I understand/see the need for the rest of
it.SecondLife appears to have a relatively heavy footprint, when I am
navigating around about 50-75% of my CPU and 250+MB memory.
This could be another case of buy a new computer, the one you
are using is 4 years old.
Possibly with a bit less friction and a bit more free processing power
it interaction would be a smoother and I would see more of an enabling
technology and less of a drain on my overloaded resources.
In any case Sun is holding a Press conference about just this topic,
I'll be there.
Sun Microsystems To Launch Presence in Virtual World Second Life
WHO: John Gage, Chief Researcher and VP, Sun Science Office
Chris Melissinos, Chief Gaming Officer, Sun
Philip Linden, CEO, Linden Lab
WHAT: opportunities for experimentation with new forms of
communication, collaboration and economic
activity in the virtual world.
WHEN: October 10, 2006. 10 a.m. Pacific Time / 1 p.m. Eastern Time
HOW: Join Second Life for free at: href="">
WHERE: In Second Life, go to: "Sun Pavilion"
Or click the following shortcut link: href="">
* Note: access to the Sun Pavilion will be restricted prior to the
Although if it wasn't for a post I randomly saw on href="">Kevin
Roebuck's Blog
I would have no idea about the details of the event.
I do also see the following href="">Kevin
Maney's Blog
BBC NEWS | Europe | France to ban smoking in public
NEWS | Europe | France to ban smoking in public:
Mr de Villepin made the announcement in a television
"We started on the basis of a simple observation - two figures: 60,000
deaths a year in our country linked directly to tobacco consumption and
5,000 deaths linked to passive smoking.
"That makes more than 13 deaths a day. It is an unacceptable reality in
our country in terms of public health," he said.
My wife will be ecstatic, she is almost rabid in her dislike for
smoking. But then it may be the surgery to remove a lung lobe that her
mother had just after our wedding.
Possibly we will go an visit Paris (Not that the smoking was preventing
it, just that it is a bit more attractive now)
One of the observations I made at Sun's CEC, was that every night when
I got home(my mother hated that, and my wife isn't fond of it*) I had
that ugg, I am going to have to wash the smoke out of my hair unless I
want to sleep with it moment.
Then I realized! no, I won't have to do that at smoking in
public places! WOOT
* The first time I said to my parents that I was going home (back to
school), when I was at home (where I/my parents live), my mother cried.
I tend to call the place I am sleeping home.
Saturday, October 7, 2006
hanging with our friends
Jim has yet to post, but his wife has indicated that he should not post about her at all.
Jim was at CEC with the managed operations crew...he says he will be posting shortly.
Friday, October 6, 2006
Comment Spam
It had been a problem, then everything was working well again, now it
appears that the spambots are able to recognize our challenge and do
simple math.
I also know that the spam is not personal...but really. Spamming a post
about my wife's brother being shot by a sniper in Iraq, so not cool.
CEC: RBAC Demystified
Brian Bianquart and Darren Moffat
style="font-weight: bold;">Role Based Access Control
What is a Role: An account on the system
Could be root (or any user)
What is a Privilege: An attribute of a process
Authorization: given to users directly or through profile
...Cutting back on
following/outlineing until I see
something that I am less sure is readily available online and in docs...
One exec_attr table can be
used across Solaris 8 and 9,
Trusted Solaris (8) and Solaris 10
Here we have a
graphic I have never seen
before...took a picture but it will probably be lame.
I think maybe hand drawings scanned and added to the slides.
title="Photo Sharing"> style="border: 0px solid ; width: 800px; height: 600px;"
alt="A picture of an RBAC slide">
style="font-weight: bold;">Q:
Can we make it such that user and role profiles can be modified while
the user is logged in or the role is in use.
A: Yes, that
is a bug fixed in update 3...changes may not take effect until next
login, but you will be able to make the change.
Standard RBAC
privileges...Start Apache as a regular user on port 80
(As opposed to start as root and drop privs)
I think I was
hoping for more in depth technical details, still time yet we will see
/usr/bin/pfexec is the
closest thing to sudo only without authentication (yet)
pfexec will use the first
profile found....that is the ALL role should be last, otherwise don't
bother to define other profiles.
SMF demo: Allow a user to
change the running state of a service but not the boot state
ALLOWED: svcadm enable/disable -t
DISALOWED: svcadm enable/disable (no -t)
File a bug if you think it should be changed
Create your own profiles
checks for UID==0
48+ privileges checked instead
Now privilege
sets, next how the privileges flow not really going to note that
down...I know it is well documented I have read it.
Note: Dark Red on
black...hard to see, shouldn't do colors that evaluate to black
privilege access. (Yes this is commonly known)
now match those as implemented in Windows NT/XP=
More info
comparison slide
on both sides the most common requested deltas are being addressed.
Authentication and Netgroups are on/near the top of the list.
and Sun blueprints
CEC: Dtrace Approaches to Real-World Problems
Jim Fiori
Apparently the presentation
is normally a 3+ hour presentation and Jim requested 3 hours, but all
the slots are 60min.
This is a presentation on approach not learning D.
This entry is a horrible hack job on content, too much and I am
learning more than I
can easily condense/digest usefully on the fly.
dtrace...but it is not the first thing to run.
Identify a possible issue use Dtrace to figure out what is going on.
Advice: Practice, Practice, Practice
examples are in /usr/demo/dtrace
use quantize(), min()/max()/avg() can hide data
Be careful using the PID provider it can impose load on a highly active
Normal system tools still have their
New tools: intrstat (some
others I haven't used)
Privs -- Root level or RBAC...
Zero Probe Effect -- via
instruction replacement
allocations and short allocations
use pfiles to determine target of File descriptor
or user:sys near 2:1)
find it, dtrace to examine it
Threaded App.
plockstat ... to see it, single process
Java 1.6 has static dtrace providers
systems first
ONLY after regular investigation by DBA (statspack etc)
(buffering requests before sending)
Try TCP no delay on client and server
File system
Watch for
periodic pauses check autoup in large memory (>8G) systems
Hints and Tools
- Use a sample rate at not quite 1000, to help keep the Dtrace
probe func from running with kernel actions
- Dtrace is running in kernel can't just dump
the memory location, you need to dump the user memory space
- .mul() and .div() are SPARC V7...the application should be
- -c flag...use pid$target ... woot
- look for system call errors, when things are not working as
- see atomic_ops(3c) on mutex_lock/unlock for simple variable
- High ctx...look at FX scheduler (good for some apps)
- High Migrations...look at binding to a specific processor
- libumem for memory leaks
- Chime (GUI...uses Sparklines!!!...I like sparklines)
- RFE 6311947
- Dtrace in a zone
- aggregation printing
Thursday, October 5, 2006
Solaris PowerPC Code Release Announcement
continually try to do more things concurrently than I have quite enough
memory and processors for. I also really like Solaris, given a new
MacBook Pro I would use Parallels and Run Solaris as well,
but I would
like to still use the PowerBook for something.
In the near future, within the next 6 months, I will be purchasing a
new laptop. A 15" or 17" MacBook Pro, sooner if Core 2 Duo ( href="">AnandTech:
Mobile CPU Wars: Core 2 Duo vs. Core Duo) MacBooks are
Running OpenSolaris on my PowerBook will rock.
Project: Solaris PowerPC Port
rel="colleague">Solaris PowerPC Code Release Announcement
OpenSolaris PowerPC Port Code Release
rel="colleague">Code Release Announcement
Eventually running OpenSolaris on my PowerBook will rock.
I really like my PowerBook, but it is now ~4 years old and I
continually try to do more things concurrently than I have quite enough
memory and processors for. I also really like Solaris, given a new
MacBook Pro I would use Parallels and Run Solaris as well,
but I would
like to still use the PowerBook for something.
In the near future, within the next 6 months, I will be purchasing a
new laptop. A 15" or 17" MacBook Pro, sooner if Core 2 Duo ( href="">AnandTech:
Mobile CPU Wars: Core 2 Duo vs. Core Duo) MacBooks are