Sunday, April 17, 2005

dhtadm -g; jumpstart wrong version, solved

The moral of this story might just be: If it keeps failing between 23:00
and 02:00 try it during the day after you get some sleep. I need to thank
Eric Noriega, for his summary post a year ago in which he states that the
Sun DHCP server does not pick up changes to macros with out a restart. I
need to blame my apparent inability to read (see moral) on missing the
following in the man page for dhtadm.

After you make changes with dhtadm, you should issue a SIGHUP to the DHCP server,
causing it to read the dhcptab and pick up the changes. Do this using the -g option.
Signal the DHCP daemon to reload the dhcptab after successful completion of the operation.

Quite obvious when you go back and look for it thinking; that is stupid,
why doesn't dhtadm tell in.dhcpd that something changed? So remember,
after you make changes to your macros and you can't figure out why nothing
appears to have changed, you forgot 'dhtadm -g'. 'svcadm restart
dhcp-server' will do it after the fact.

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