Monday, May 30, 2005

DNS Woes

So the new site go live... Current DNS lookups depending on who you ask
return: www is a CNAME to CDN www is an A record to old site foo is a
CNAME to www foo is a CNAME to CDN Which in addition to the above can
return: foo is a CNAME for www is a CNAME to CDN is an A record for a CDN
server foo is a CNAME for www is an A record to the old site This shows
that the lookup for foo sometimes goes to a DNS server that has the old
info for foo. Foo previously being a CNAME for www results in a lookup for
www. The lookup for www sometimes goes to a server that has the new info
and sometimes the old. The real confusion being the belief that if the
final answer is the CDN there should be no intermediate CNAME. We just had
a spirited conversation that resulted in browsers being restarted, which
cleared up a number of interesting behavior patterns. Now to try and find
some lunch since I didn't get a good breakfast and it is almost 3pm

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