Sunday, September 10, 2006

Encrypted FS on Solaris 10, Ugly Hack

This is an off the cuff solution to encrypted file systems on Solaris 10 in response to OpenSolaris Adventures which mentions concerns about file security given physical access to a device.

Until zfs has crypto support or encrypted lofi is available, you could set a bios password. Or create your own loopback file based fs. Of course if the file is decrypted and the attacker steals your laptop you are out of luck. So only having the decrypted data in /tmp would offer some protection.

The poor man's version would be something like:

1) Make a source file (Preferably in /tmp)

2) Create a Loopback

3) Layout a filesystem

4) Add content

5) Encrypt (To not /tmp)

6) Delete source file

Ongoing Usage scripted as:

1) decrypt /var/tmp/encrypted.current to /tmp/decrypted

2) create lofi and mount

3) encrypt to /var/tmp/

4) delete decrypted file

5) Move encrypted.current to .bak and new to .current

Steps 1 - 4:

t2000-10# mkfile 10m /tmp/foo

t2000-10# lofiadm -a /tmp/foo


t2000-10# newfs /dev/lofi/1

newfs: construct a new file system /dev/rlofi/1: (y/n)? y

/dev/rlofi/1: 20468 sectors in 34 cylinders of 1 tracks, 602 sectors

10.0MB in 3 cyl groups (16 c/g, 4.70MB/g, 2240 i/g)

t2000-10# mkdir /tmp/foo_mnt

t2000-10# mount /dev/lofi/1 /tmp/foo_mnt

t2000-10# cat /usr/man/man1/* | nroff -man > /tmp/foo_mnt/important.txt

Content is visible to the casual viewer:

t2000-10# cat /tmp/foo | strings | head -100



a subcommand and no arguments is

an error. This guideline is provided to allow the

common forms command --

p, command -?

?, command


n, and command -V

V to be accepted in the

command-subcommand construct.

Several of these guidelines are only of interest to the

authors of utilities. They are provided here for the use of

t2000-10# umount /tmp/foo_mnt

t2000-10# lofiadm -d /dev/lofi/1

Step 5:

t2000-10# time encrypt -a 3des -v -i /tmp/foo -o /var/tmp/3des_encrypted

Enter key:



encrypt -a 3des -v -i /tmp/foo -o /var/tmp/3des_encrypted 4.44s user 0.63s system 60% cpu 8.434 total

t2000-10# rm /tmp/foo

Simple check to see if data is still accessible:

t2000-10# lofiadm -a /var/tmp/3des_encrypted

lofiadm: size of /var/tmp/3des_encrypted is not a multiple of 512

t2000-10# file /var/tmp/3des_encrypted

/var/tmp/3des_encrypted: data

t2000-10# cat /var/tmp/3des_encrypted| strings


Accessing Encrypted Data:

t2000-10# decrypt -v -a 3des -i /var/tmp/3des_encrypted -o /tmp/decrypted_fs

Enter key:



t2000-10# cat /tmp/decrypted_fs| strings | head -100



a subcommand and no arguments is

an error. This guideline is provided to allow the

common forms command --

p, command -?

?, command


n, and command -V

V to be accepted in the

command-subcommand construct.

Several of these guidelines are only of interest to the

authors of utilities. They are provided here for the use of

t2000-10# lofiadm -a /tmp/decrypted_fs


t2000-10# mount /dev/lofi/1 /tmp/foo_mnt

Checking Contents:

t2000-10# cd /tmp/foo_mnt

t2000-10# head important.txt

User Commands Intro(1)


Intro, intro - introduction to commands and application pro-


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