I'm still going to write up my notes from MCM and Army 10 Miler but until I do I'm trying to not fall too far behind.
I got up early to head to the trail and get in a few hours of easy running to shake out my legs before the Turkey Run aid station opened. I was getting antsy to run after going from full on training to racing for three weeks to recovery from MCM.
After an exciting descent down the small cliff to the PHT via not the actual trail I got in another 8 miles and felt good. Shortly after 10 while I was changing my clothes the first runner came through shortly after that I started taking pictures. It was a good time and the after party was also very fun. I met a bunch of new people who's names I have mostly forgotten.

Photos Link to The Gallery
Thanks for taking photos and helping the runners at the Aid Station, Shawn! (^_^)